Oct. 1-31, 2024 is LBGTQ+ History Month

Prideraiser Tutorials

🚧 A lot has changed with Prideraiser for 2024. We're currently in the process of updating the tutorials to reflect it. Need support? Hit us up on Prideraiser Discord!

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. We’ve also got some tips and tricks that may be useful to advanced users.

  • Introduction and Setup - A guide for new supporters groups and admins that have taken over Prideraiser responsibilities for their SG
  • Choosing a Charity Partner - Thoughts when considering a beneficiary for your Prideraiser campaign
  • Discord - A tour of the Prideraiser Discord workspace, including a few special purpose channels
  • Updating Goals - Ensure your campaign’s fundraising is successful by keeping your goal tally up to date
  • Pledges - Details about the per-goal fundraising model used by Prideraiser and managing pleddges for your campaign
  • Dashboard - Stats and tasks related to your campaign
  • Partner Contributions - A new way to track major supplemental support of your campaign’s LGBTQ+ beneficiary organization by your club or other business partners
  • Merch - Prideraiser-branded merch is available to help you promote your campaign
  • Analytics - Advanced users can use analytics to determine if emails to members or social media posts result in a Prideraiser pledge
  • Subdomain Redirects - Short URLs for your campaign
  • Social Images - Dynamically-generated, shareable images to promote your Prideraiser efforts
  • 🆕 Testimonials - Share stories of your Prideraiser experience and impact
  • Wrap Up - Your responsibilities, and ours, at the end of a campaign

Is there some other topic you would like to see published guidance on? Please let us know by posting in the #general channel on Discord or reaching out to the volunteer Prideraiser team.

Prideraiser is a coalition of independent soccer supporters that raise money for local LGBTQ+ charities every June.

Support your local club, support your local cause.