Sept. 16-22, 2024 is Bisexual Awareness Week

Campaign Review

It is a week before the start of Prideraiser season! Let's take a moment to make sure your SG's campaign page is ready to share with your fans.

First, find the Supporters Group form on the Prideraiser admin. Check to see that all fields are populated, your logo is up to date, and recall that the primary/secondary color affect the style of your campaign scoreboard. For the email fields, note the following:

  • "Contact email" may receive occasional messages from Prideraiser, though we will usually email we have for your admin Prideraiser account.
  • "Email sender" name/address affect how messages are sent to fans who pledge.

You can leave the default/empty values for SEO fields on the Supporters Group form. Don't forget to click Save when you're done!

Next, find the Campaign form on the Prideraiser admin for your current campaign. Like when editing the SG form, check to see that all fields are populated correctly and a cover image is uploaded. Here are a few things to pay special attention to:

  • Is the end date of your campaign correct? (June 30 for Prideraiser events) If not, it is your responsibility to let Prideraiser volunteers know and come up with special timing for donation messaging for your campaign.
  • Review the campaign description. If you need inspiration, check out other campaigns at
  • Make sure the "charity donation URL" meets Prideraiser requirements
  • Double check the match list for your campaign, especially the time zones. This is in the "Events" section of the form
  • When the campaign is ready to share, make sure the "Show this campaign in public lists?" checkbox is selected

Great job! We are almost done. Just a few more random items related to your awareness:

  • You are logged into the Prideraiser Discord workspace (more info)
  • You are aware of the Prideraiser Merch Policy and have seen the new scarf in the Prideraiser Store
  • You have recently made contact with your LGBTQ+ partner org and are working on outreach initiatives
  • You are aware of your responsibility to update goal counts after every match, and of the Tasks section at the top of your Prideraiser Dashboard
  • Your campaign is seeded with a couple of initial pledges from admins/SG officers/other influencial figures, so that it is not empty when you launch

Finished! You may begin promoting your campaign and asking for pledges when it makes the most sense for your SG's schedule. If you have any questions, the answers may be found in the Prideraiser Tutorials documentation or you can ask in Prideraiser Discord. We wish you a successful campaign season and are committed to helping as much as we can!

Prideraiser is a coalition of independent soccer supporters that raise money for local LGBTQ+ charities every June.

Support your local club, support your local cause.